weeks 7 to 9
As I reached the midpoint of my project, a sense of worry crept in. It had taken me quite some time to settle on a concept, and I still had no clear idea for my installation or what I wanted to create. Seeking guidance from my tutors, I was advised to delve into experimenting with AI faces. This novel process fascinated me, and I utilised MidJourney to explore the presence of subconscious biases ingrained in artificial intelligence. While this exploration proved interesting, I struggled to find a compelling direction to use this to pursue my final piece.
Intrigued by the interaction between colours and biases, I dedicated significant time to studying colour theory. To ensure relatability in my installation, I sought input from my peers and friends, asking them about their personal understanding of colours and the emotions they evoked. This exploration led me to consider incorporating a Tinder-like interactive element within the exhibition using AI-generated faces, accompanied by my own interpretation of a Rothko-inspired colour palette. However, upon reflection, I felt that something was missing from this approach, despite its initial interest and potential engagement for the audience.
During this period of reflection, it is important to acknowledge that while I felt overwhelmed by the demands of my own Final Major Project (FMP), I also embarked on developing this year's Art Foundry Magazine. Curating the magazine alongside my FMP presented a significant challenge, as I had limited knowledge of editing or curating such publications. Furthermore, there was an expectation for this year's magazine to embody a sense of radicalism. To better understand the concept of a radical magazine, I conducted research and found inspiration in Ray Gun magazines. As well as editing and curating, we also had to compile various entries, including photographs, interviews, social media profiles, and doodles to personalise individuals' pages throughout the magazine.
Looking back, I realise that taking on the task of producing the Art Foundry magazine and simultaneously working on my own FMP was a bold, perhaps even stupidly daring decision. Given the deadlines associated with Art Foundry, I had to temporarily halt progress on my FMP for three weeks and work tirelessly beyond regular college hours.
Despite the challenges I faced, the effort has paid off. I made sacrifices for both Art Foundry and my FMP, but I am ultimately content and proud of the outcomes achieved in both endeavours.